Concept Note

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1.0 Background

Social protection interventions have grown significantly in Kenya since the introductionSocial protection interventions have grown significantly in Kenya since the introduction of cash transfers by the Government. The Orphan and Vulnerable Cash Transfer programmewas launched in 2004 to cater for vulnerable children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. It began as apilot project in Garissa, Kwale and Nairobi supporting 500 children each receiving Ksh. 500 monthly. Since then, the Government has scaled up social assistance and othersocial protection interventions that cushion the poor and vulnerable.

The Government of Kenya’s commitment to providing social protection is enshrined in theConstitution. Article 43(1) provides that ‘every person has a right to social security andguarantees all Kenyans their economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health,education and decent livelihoods’. It further asserts in Article 43(3) that the State“shall provide appropriate social security to persons who are unable to support themselvesand their dependents”. Article 21 of this Constitution directs the state to work towards theprogressive realization of social and economic rights and binds the State to “observe, respect,protect, and fulfill the rights and fundamental freedoms in the Bill of Rights.This is further demonstrated by various policies and legislative frameworks deployed byvarious bodies of Government.

Social protection is geared at ensuring the development andenhancement of human capital through poverty reduction and inclusive growth.Since the enactment of the Sessional Paper No.2 of 2014 on the National Social ProtectionPolicy, there has been increased investment in social protection interventions in Kenya.Notable expansion has been witnessed in social protection programmes, systems, capacitiesand shock responsiveness.

Social Protection Week Conference 2023 is the high point to celebrate and take stock of thesector since the 2018 Conference whose theme was "Scaling Up Investment in SocialProtection for the Delivery of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and Achievement of SDGs”. Further, theobjective of the Conference was to create an opportunity for learning and sharing ofexperiences amongst various social protection actors with a view to stimulating, motivating,promoting and advocating for increased investment in social protection by all actors, at alllevels in a coherent and coordinated manner.

2.0 Objective

The objective of the SP2023 Conference is to chart the way towards inclusion and expansionThe objective of the SP2023 Conference is to chart the way towards inclusion and expansionof social protection for all Kenyans. It will provide an opportunity for the sector to advancethe social protection agenda with a view to ensuring increased coverage and access.This also includes strengthening coverage and adequacy of social protection in the country.Limited coverage in social protection is experienced by some segments of the populationincluding children, older persons, persons with disabilities, youth, and women. This is alsoexperienced more specifically by minority groups, workers, migrants, refugees, unemployedpersons and those in the informal sector.

Promoting inclusive social protection will ensure that vulnerable groups are cushioned fromPromoting inclusive social protection will ensure that vulnerable groups are cushioned frompoverty, social exclusion and deprivation throughout their lifecycle. Inclusion will thenpromote active participation of citizens in the different facets of society. It is key to buildingresilience for all against shocks and crises over the life cycle.

3.0 Justification

Kenya Government is committed to universal social security, eradicating malnutritionKenya Government is committed to universal social security, eradicating malnutritionwithin five years in children under 5, through integrated package services, inclusionopportunities for people with disabilities, scaling up coverage for vulnerable groups andincreasing financing to the National Safety Net to 1.7 percent of their GDP to be at parwith other lower middle-income countries.

Social Protection Inclusion agenda: There has been scale up in the social protectionSocial Protection Inclusion agenda: There has been scale up in the social protectioninterventions over the years. Complementary Programmes such Economic Inclusion,Enhanced Single Registry and the Nutrition Improvement through Cash and HealthEducation have expanded however, inclusion of Vulnerable and marginalized groups(VMG) and the missing need to be scaled up.The Covid 19 pandemic and Climatic shocks have exposed the gaps in building shockresponsive social protection interventions.

4.0 Scope

The Conference will bring together national and international participants. Global andThe Conference will bring together national and international participants. Global andnational speakers will be identified depending on the topics of the Conference andtheir expertise.

5.0 Execution

The planning of the Conference shall be undertaken by the Main Committee chaired by theThe planning of the Conference shall be undertaken by the Main Committee chaired by thePrincipal Secretary. The Main Committee will be charged with the overall responsibility oforganizing the Conference with a meeting monthly. This Committee will have supportCommittees:

  1. Program and Conference Sub-Committee;
  2. Protocol and Logistics Sub-Committee
  3. Communications and Publicity Sub-Committee
  4. Budget and Resource Mobilization Sub-Committee

6.0 Methodology

The Conference will be delivered through:

a) Presentations will take the following forms:

  • Round tables - Presenters deliver the content of specified topics followed byRound tables - Presenters deliver the content of specified topics followed byinteractive discussions by the audience.

  • Traditional presentations of not more than 20 minutes by one or more speakersTraditional presentations of not more than 20 minutes by one or more speakerswith participants given a chance to ask questions.

  • Panelist discussions - Integrated panels that include multiple presenters focusingPanelist discussions - Integrated panels that include multiple presenters focusingon an issue for a maximum duration of 90 minutes.

b) Plenary discussions - interactive sessions by all the participants to allow the exchange of practical experiences with the participants.

c) Exhibitions: this will provide the social protection actors an opportunity to promote and create publicity to their products and services.

7.0 Timeline and Duration

The Conference Week shall run from 3rd - 6th April 2023, with His Excellency the President of Kenya officiating the opening of the Conference.

8.0 Conference Venue

The Conference is will be held in Nairobi at Kenya School of Government, Lower Kabete.

9.0 Participants

Relevant line Ministries, civil society organizations, development partners, academic institutions, county governments, media, private sector, humanitarian agencies, individuals, Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies and international participants.

© 2023 National Social Protection Secretariat. Concept by 24i