Dr Fabio Veras SoaresSocial Protection - Towards a Systems Approach (PDF, 2MB)
Presenter: Fabio Veras Soares (IPC-IG)

Ms Susan MochacheStatus Report of the Kenya SPC 2015 Joint Call for Action. Milestones, Challenges and Opportunities (PDF, 785KB)
Presenter: Ms. Susan Mochache CBS, PS, State Department for Social Protection, Labour & Senior Citizen Affairs

Gituro WainainaLinkages Between Social Protection and Vision 2030 (PDF, 1.7MB)
Presenter: Gituro Wainaina

Wellington ChibebeWorld Social protection Report 2017-2019 (2.4MB)
Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Presenter: Wellington Chibebe, Director ILO Dar Office for Eastern Africa

Catherine FitzgibbonKenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP): Lessons in Developing a Shock Responsive Approach (PDF, 1.3MB) 
Presenter: Catherine Fitzgibbon, Consultant, National Drought Management Authority, Kenya

Fred MerttensSocial Protection and Building Resilience to Climate-Related Vulnerability (PDF, 2.2MB)
Speaker: Fred Merttens, Oxford Policy Management

James OduorScalable Social Protection in Kenya: Investing in Systems for Managing Risks, Building Resilience and Reducing Vulnerability (1.1MB)
Presenter: James Oduor, CEO, National Drought Management Authority

Cecilia MbakaUsing Evidence to Inform Policy (PDF, 1.6MB)
Technical Assistance for Complementary Activities towards Harmonization and Consolidation Strategy for the National Safety Net Programme
Presenter: Mrs. Cecilia Mbaka, Head, Social Protection Secretariat (SPS) Kenya 

Michael SamsonFinancing Social Protection (PDF, 2MB)
Presenter: Dr. Michael Samson, Economic Policy Research Institute

Sundeep RaichuraUpscaling and Financing Social Protection (PDF, 1.26MB)
Presenter: Sundeep Raichura

Sumananjali MohantyTaxing for a More Equal Kenya (603KB)
Sustainable Financing for Social Protection
Presenter: Sumananjali Mohanty, Country Director, Oxfam Kenya

Matthew GreensladeCountry Examples and Lessons for Kenya (1.7MB)
Presenter: Matthew Greenslade 

Susan MochacheSocial Protection in Kenya: Milestones, Challenges and Opportunities (PDF, 1MB)
Presenter: Susan Mochache, PS, Labour and Social Protection

Amleset TewodrosAccountability in Social Protection Programmes Through Older Citizens Participation (1.6MB)
Presenter: Amleset Tewodros, HelpAge International

samuel kabueEnhancing Accountability in Social Protection Programmes (PDF, 825KB)
Social Protection Actors Forum
Presenter: Dr. Samuel Kabue 

Richard ObigaEnhancing Accountability in Social Protection in Kenya (1.3MB) 
Presenter: Richard Obiga, Program Officer, National Social Protection Secretariat 

Wycliffe OparanyaMainstreaming Social Protection Interventions in County Governments (PDF, 2MB)
Imarisha Afya ya Mama na Mtoto Program
Presenter: H.E Governor, Wycliffe Oparanya, Kakamega County 

pamela daleMaking ‘Cash Plus’ Work (PDF, 1.1MB)
Presenter: Pamela Dale, Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office 

Rikke Le KirkegaardUjana Salamaa: Cash Plus Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood (PDF, 2.2MB)
Presenter: Rikke Le Kirkegaard, UNICEF Tanzania 

Lisa Marie OuedraogoEvidence from Cash Plus and Beyond (PDF, 1.2MB)
UNICEF-led social cash transfer pilots within the PSNP framework of Ethiopia
Presenter: Dr Lisa-Marie Ouedraogo, Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF Ethiopia 

Florence Ayisi QuarteyLivelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme (LEAP) (PDF, 1.7MB)
Impact and Linkages to Health Care Access; Evidence from Ghana
Presenter: Florence Ayisi Quartey, Principal Programme Officer, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection Accra-Ghana


Helena DaltonCase Study of the BOMA Poverty Graduation Model (PDF, 1.3MB)
Speaker: Helena Dalton, BOMA Project Regional Director

William KingiMombasa County Social Protection Strategy - 2018-2022 (PDF, 453KB)
Speaker: H.E. Dr. William K. Kingi, The Deputy Governor, Mombasa County 

Welbeck Amoani TwumBuilding Synergy for the Effective and Efficient Implementation and Delivery of Social Protection Interventions
Ghana's Experience
Speaker: Welbeck Amoani Twum, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection

Lais Maranhao santos mendoncaSocial Protection in the Changing World (2MB)
Integrating ICT in Designing, Implementation and Monitoring of SP Interventions
Presenter: Laís Maranhão Santos Mendonça, National Secretariat for Citizenship Income(Senarc), Ministry of Social Development, Brazil

evelyn mwangiKenya Single Registry (1.8MB)
Presenter: Evelyn W. Mwangi, Senior ICT Officer, National Social Protection Secretariat, Kenya

nzomo mutukuEnhancing Accountability for Social Protection Programs in Kenya (326KB)
Presenter: Nzomo Mutuku, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Retirement Benefits Authority 

presenterSharing of Social Pension (OPCT) by Beneficiaries: Who are the Secondary Beneficiaries? (PDF, 900KB)
Speakers: Gloria C. Langat, Nele Van Der Wielen, Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham - Centre for Research on Ageing, University of Southampton, UK; Isabella Aboderin, Hilda Owii - African Population and Health Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya 

richard chirchirIntegrating #ICT4SP in Designing, Implementation and Monitoring of #Social Protection Interventions (1.7MB)
Presenter: Richard Chirchir @kchirchir, Senior MIS Specialist, Development Pathways 

presenterTargeting of Older Persons Cash Transfer: Who Benefits in the Nairobi Slums? (950KB)
Speakers: Gloria C. Langat, Nele Van Der Wielen, Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham - Centre for Research on Ageing, University of Southampton, UK; Isabella Aboderin, Hilda Owii - African Population and Health Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Mawutor AbloPolicy, Legislation and Coordination in Social Protection (PDF, 970KB)
Presenter: Mawutor Ablo, Director Social Protection - ‎Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Ghana

Daisy AmdanyRole of Citizen Engagement and Accountability in Strengthening the Social Contract (137KB)
Presenter: Daisy Amdany - Executive Director, CRAWN Trust 

Makena MwobobiaSocial Accountability in Practice: The Role of Citizen’s Engagement and Accountability in Strengthening Social Contract (PDF, 1.6MB)
Presenter Makena Mwobobia - Head of Program and Policy ActionAid Kenya 

Marielle Phe GoursatCreating an Enabling Environment in Social Protection (PDF, 1.7MB)
AU SP Protocol and SP Legislation in Africa: Situation and Challenges with Zambia as Case Study
Presenter: Marielle Phe Goursat Social Health Protection Specialist ILO - Zambia

Cecily MwangiBridging the Missing Middle: Social Protection for the Informal economy: Opportunities for Promoting Universal Access to All
The case of Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Workers
Presenter: Cecily Mwangi

Stephen KiddInnovations in Social Protection for Kenya (3MB)
Presenter: Stephen Kidd

Richard RoriExtending Social Protection Coverage to the Informal Economy challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options (PDF, 3.4MB)
Presenter: Richard Rori

kivutha kibwanaCounty Universal Social Protection Coverage for All: A Case Study of Makueni County, Kenya (PDF, 1MB)
Presenter: H.E. Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, Governor, Makueni County. 

Juliet MaaraLinda Mama (PDF, 1.7MB)
Presenter: Juliet Maara 

Patience MatandikoSocial Protection for the Informal Economy (PDF, 3MB)
Opportunities for Promoting Universal Access to Social Protection for All
Presenter: Patience Matandiko, ILO- Lusaka CO 

Rose Musonye KwenaMBAO Pension Scheme (1.1 MB)
Informal Sector Pension
Presenter: Rose Musonye Kwena Chief Manager, Corporate Communication 

Liya MutaleScaling Up Investments in Social Protection Programmes in Zambia in Order to Attain Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (PDF, 1.5MB)
Presenter: Dr. Liya. N. Mutale, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Community Development and Social Services 

Fred MerttensEvidence in Policy and Decision Making (PDF, 2.2MB)
Presenter: Fred Merttens – Oxford Policy Management 

Tadelech Dalacho DandoSocial Service Workforce Development in Ethiopia (PDF, 1.2MB)
Presenter: Tadelech Dalacho Dando, State Minister of Social Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ethiopia 

Ato Feleke JemberThe Role of the Social Service Workforce in Social Protection Service Delivery (PDF, 1.4MB)
Case Study Ethiopia
Presenter: Ato Feleke Jember, Director Social Welfare Development Promotion 

Stella AgaraConverting the Youth Bulge into a Demographic Dividend for Social Protection (PDF, 1.2MB)
Presenter: Stella Agara, NYC International Board Level 

Victor MaluDelivering Cash Transfers Through More Innovative Approaches - Case For Kenya (PDF, 2MB)
Presenter: Head, Future Financial Systems, FSD Kenya 

Luis FrotaTRANSFORM, Leadership and Transformation Learning Package on Building and Managing Social Protection floors in Africa (PDF, 4.3MB)
Presenter: Luis Frota, Social Protection Specialist, Southern and Eastern Africa ILO 

nancy wafulaEvidence-Based Reporting: The Importance of Data and Knowledge Management in Policy Formulation and Decision Making (PDF, 90KB)
Presenter: Dr. Nancy Nafula, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)

Luis FrotaInstitutionalizing Social Assistance in Africa (PDF, 2MB)
Presenters: Renata Nowak-Garmer, UNDP & Luis Frota, ILO 

peter thirikwaIntegrating ICT in Designing, Implementation and Monitoring of SP Interventions (Integrated Information Systems for an Effective Monitoring of SP Interventions) (PDF, 1.2MB)
Presenter: Peter Thirikwa, MIS Specialist – Hunger Safety Net Programme 

Alexander Cambraia Nascimento VazBrazil's Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS): History And Core Features (PDF, 1.4MB)
Brazil's Social Protection Policy and Legislation Experience
Presenter: Alexander Cambraia Nascimento Vaz, Senior Researcher from IPC

Berhanu WoldemichaelSocial Protection and Complementarities (PDF, 1.1MB)
Presenter: Berhanu Woldemichael, The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia 

Daniel Musembi Jackson MathekaNutrition Improvements for Children through Cash and Health Education (NICHE) in Kitui County (PDF, 2.2MB)
Presenters: Daniel Musembi & Jackson Matheka 

Lydia Nabiryo Enhancing Complementarities in Social Protection (PDF, 1.6MB)
Uganda Social Protection Programmes
Presenter: Lydia Nabiryo - Uganda 


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