Day 2 - Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Michael SamsonFinancing Social Protection (PDF, 2MB)
Presenter: Dr. Michael Samson, Economic Policy Research Institute

Sundeep RaichuraUpscaling and Financing Social Protection (PDF, 1.26MB)
Presenter: Sundeep Raichura

Sumananjali MohantyTaxing for a More Equal Kenya (603KB)
Sustainable Financing for Social Protection
Presenter: Sumananjali Mohanty, Country Director, Oxfam Kenya

Matthew GreensladeCountry Examples and Lessons for Kenya (1.7MB)
Presenter: Matthew Greenslade 

Susan MochacheSocial Protection in Kenya: Milestones, Challenges and Opportunities (PDF, 1MB)
Presenter: Susan Mochache, PS, Labour and Social Protection

Amleset TewodrosAccountability in Social Protection Programmes Through Older Citizens Participation (1.6MB)
Presenter: Amleset Tewodros, HelpAge International

samuel kabueEnhancing Accountability in Social Protection Programmes (PDF, 825KB)
Social Protection Actors Forum
Presenter: Dr. Samuel Kabue 

Richard ObigaEnhancing Accountability in Social Protection in Kenya (1.3MB) 
Presenter: Richard Obiga, Program Officer, National Social Protection Secretariat 

Wycliffe OparanyaMainstreaming Social Protection Interventions in County Governments (PDF, 2MB)
Imarisha Afya ya Mama na Mtoto Program
Presenter: H.E Governor, Wycliffe Oparanya, Kakamega County 

pamela daleMaking ‘Cash Plus’ Work (PDF, 1.1MB)
Presenter: Pamela Dale, Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office 

Rikke Le KirkegaardUjana Salamaa: Cash Plus Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood (PDF, 2.2MB)
Presenter: Rikke Le Kirkegaard, UNICEF Tanzania 

Lisa Marie OuedraogoEvidence from Cash Plus and Beyond (PDF, 1.2MB)
UNICEF-led social cash transfer pilots within the PSNP framework of Ethiopia
Presenter: Dr Lisa-Marie Ouedraogo, Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF Ethiopia 

Florence Ayisi QuarteyLivelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme (LEAP) (PDF, 1.7MB)
Impact and Linkages to Health Care Access; Evidence from Ghana
Presenter: Florence Ayisi Quartey, Principal Programme Officer, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection Accra-Ghana


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